you left with no goodbye

Clichè title for the pioneer post, huh?

That was the saddening reality that hit us - all our posts on our previous blogging platform disappeared. Poof!

So we're here, to re-brand, re-post, re-construct our blog. If you were from Agape Obsessed and you're here now, thank you for your support & loyalty. If you weren't, welcome home bitches!

On opening a new page, we are now more open to your requests, suggestions, views and ideas. Also, we promise to be more active with our posts, or short snippets of blogs on our Instagram! We look forward to embarking on this new exciting journey with all our readers.

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Mirahbella (@mirahbella), 20 y.o, NUS
Akeela (@arghkiller), 20 y.o, NTU